Pre Turkey Sandbag Disrupter

Quick Disclaimer, 5 core principles… Quick mozy with butt kickers, monkey humpers (to the passing ruckers), and high knees.  Circled up and did motivators from 8, and Merkins.  Let’s go.…

Abs with ABBA

Pre-blast posted on Slack, including Beatdown title here, threat that it would be much worse than can be imagined, and to bring a towel or mat for your tailbone.  It…

30/30 Chest Day

Perfect Weather 5:15a Skipped the usual speech, no warmup, just got right down to business The Thang: 500 Merkins in 30 Minutes – 4 Variations Routine: – 5, 10, 15,…

44 in 44

The BackBlast: 05:15 – 5 core principles and disclaimers were shared. Explained the eleven stations. EMOM AMRAPs with one burpee between each. 44 total burpees. Station 1: Rope Slams Station…

Attempted Murder

Fair warning was given that if you wanted an easier workout, you should go to Chili Pepper’s workout at The Tower.  Chili sets a high bar, so the Pax that…

Post Election GLOOM

Post Election Happiness or Gloom coupled with a steady breeze in anticipation of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Nicole made for a glorious morning. 11 hearty souls arrived for a beatdown with another…


The BackBlast: 05:15 – 5 core principles and disclaimers were shared. Weather: Started out nice and cool at 68, but that humidity was a killer soon after we started. For…


The BackBlast: 07:00 – 5 core principles and disclaimers were shared. Mozy from the Gazebo to the Basketball court with several modifiers in between (ie. NUR, high knees…etc) E.M.O.M. | …

58 and Counting

Conditions: 70 dark and muggy… did not feel like a crisp 58 degrees Mozy and Warmup: little jog included SSH, Nur and kerioke.  More SSH, strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, arm circle’s,…

Yes, We are Going to Carry that Table

Humidity was high this morning.  Very high. The perfect weather for a non-stop workout. Seconds before 5:15, it was time to circle up. Off went the ruckers, led by Bing.…