1776 Patriot Games v. 2023

The Suncoast PAX rallied with 48 strong including a handful of down range men who traveled to join us as we met for the annual 1776 Patriot Games. (Most notably…

90 Miles to Cuba

Today we took up the burden of our fellow PAX members Chilipepper and Sir Wallace as they delivered on their word to perform an insane amount of Burpees for Cuba!…

Intro to Broga 101

The air was thick with anticipation as well as micro-water droplets.  Some of these were from the humidity, others were from the evaporated sweat of those doing Insane Clown.  Kudos…

Basics work

Hard rain on the way into the gloom, but it fizzled out before the fun began. 22 pax total with bikers joining in at end for COT. Started out with…

Early 4corner

Conditions: 74 and dark… dry Mozy: Nur, kerioke, butt kickers and high knees as we jogged a loop around Dixieland… Warmup: SSHops, strawberry pickers, more SSHops, arms and bad back stretches…

Shady Acres Coupon Party!

Welcome to the retirement party!!  With 14 in attendance and average age of 51, we lit it up and crushed some coupons! 7:00 am – We circled up and Disclaimer,…

The Murph & Passing of the Flag

Today was a day to honor the fallen soldiers that gave us all our freedoms.  After the 5CP and Mission statement, PorkRoll led us off with the singing of the…

May “I” Challenge you to a 10 x 100

Friday’s beatdown started at 5:15 with the 5 Core Principals and Disclaimer.  With little time to waste, we started our mosey. Mosey: Jogged around the parking lot while preforming butt…

Tabata Watch Out, Tabata Not Cry

Monday morning greeted us with a cool, Florida humid 62 degrees.  The winds were still which created the perfect beatdown environment to great the Pax. In my short time with…

F3 Exercise Draft

Welcome, Brisket from Tallahassee, who came down for Mysterio 2. We started off the morning with some core principles (where Brutus stated we might get thunderstorms and I reminded him…