AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 11/09/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Callahan, Jimmy Dean, Manning, Mrs. Doubtfire, Mugsy, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Sputnik, Stagecoach, Usher, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mrs. Doubtfire

The BackBlast:

Post Election Happiness or Gloom coupled with a steady breeze in anticipation of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Nicole made for a glorious morning. 11 hearty souls arrived for a beatdown with another 4 who decided Rucking was the better option.

Started with 5 Core principals, a quick Mosey with butt kickers, NUR, high knees and then circled up for a warm up of Strawberry Pickers, Mikey Phelps’ and Motivators starting at an 8 count.

Now the fun stuff – we paired up for a nice Dora!

50 – American Hammers

75 – Merkins

100 – Shoulder Taps

125 – Lunges

150 – LBC’s

200 – Flutter Kicks

225 – Mountain Climbers

While 1 preformed the exercise your partner completed a sprint across parking lot and NUR back, switch spots, keep counting, finish and move to next exercise. After completing all 8 exercises your team started back at the beginning.

I hope all had a fun time (over 1100 reps and 2.2 miles run) and a Thank you to Sir Wallace who provided the music.
Rucking crew found us at 6 AM and COT

Announcement – WildPax, Ragnar and upcoming Salvation Army XMAS event, 12/14 I believe

Praises – Jimmy Dean 2.0 was going to sign her letter of intent that morning to play volleyball at the next level and Sputnik moved into his new house

Prayers – Lancelot and his surgery/recovery

Coffeeteria followed at Dunkin

If I missed anything I apologize. Very grateful and thankful to be able to lead you men.

Doubtfire out!

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