Who do you talk to the most?

Weather: HUMID YHC arrived at 0420 for a pre-ruck with Cavallino. We encountered a few pre-runners along the way. 0515 the pax was assembled and the mumblechatter was thick. 5…

Starfish Beatdown

Weather:  Low 60s The parking lot was filling up nicely for a Monday morning, and it was time to share the disclaimer, core principles and mission statement and we were…

Your WHY

Weather:  Glorious The pre-runners returned to the parking lot to a fairly full pax awaiting the 5:15a start. Disclaimer was shared, core principles reviewed and mission statement stated. YHC asked…


75F and clear Most of the men showed up early to get in some stretching and fellowship. Great to see new pax Mrs. doubtfire in attendance again! 5:15a sharp 5…


I’m horrible about doing these on time.  This time is no different.  Next time will likely be no better.  But one day, when I do make a backblast on time,…

Let’s Meet

Weather: Cool and lower 70s Disclaimer was shared along with the 5 core principles and the pax were off for an opening mosi including high knees, carioca, and butt kickers,…

Monday Matters

73 degrees felt like 75. Humid with little to no wind   At 0515 the 5 core principles were reviewed and the Pax headed off on a two lap mosey…

Unintended consequences

Rusty Q began with the core principles and a mosey around the parking lot to 4 different pain stations. Brief instructions were given (too brief evidently) while completing a warmup…

3, 2, 1…

3, 2, 1 … Welcome to F3 Count off…started w/ 17 pax • Q source suggests for the beginning & end. Ensures all is counted for. • Some regions do…

4Year Maniversary

5 core principles..  and Mozy, butt kickers, high knees, Super Sexy..  Comprised of Monkey Humpers, 1 Burpee Pickle Pointers, 1 Burpee Pickle Pounders, Homer To Marge 1 Burpee Hot Chicks…