AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 05/28/2021


Number of Pax: 20

Pax Names: Big Mac, Brutus, Chilipepper, Clutch, Condenser, Crabcakes, Dasani, Defib, Dragnet, Goob, Gridlock, Papa Smurf, Pudge, Ripken, ShamWow, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Bluegrass

QIC: Dasani

The BackBlast:

Weather: HUMID

YHC arrived at 0420 for a pre-ruck with Cavallino. We encountered a few pre-runners along the way.

0515 the pax was assembled and the mumblechatter was thick.
5 core principle’s were stated and disclaimer was made.

A few warm ups in cadence included:
Strawberry Pickers

Next a parking lot mosi which included high knees, butt kickers and nur.

YHC announced todays routine.
4 corners of the parking lot would be used. Each corner had a designated exercise to be done at a determined number of reps, which increased each time around. Between each corner the pax was asked to give it AYG. ALL – YOU – GOT!
Not a jog between corners but an all out sprint.

Reps 15x 
Corner #1 American Hammers (in cadence)
Corner #2 Lunges
Corner #3 LBC’s
Corner #4 Squats

YHC got so caught up in the burn I forgot to stop the cadence at 15x…so we all started with some extra credit.

Reps 20x 
Corner #1 American Hammers (in cadence)
Corner #2 Lunges
Corner #3 LBC’s
Corner #4 Squats

YHC changed the exercise for rounds 3 & 4
Somewhere along the way Crabcakes was growing a monkey tail and made a detour to unload some timber.

Reps 25x 
Corner #1 American Hammers (in cadence)
Corner #2 Merkins
Corner #3 LBC’s
Corner #4 Carolina Dry Docks

Reps 30x 
Corner #1 American Hammers (in cadence)
Corner #2 Merkins
Corner #3 LBC’s
Corner #4 Carolina Dry Docks

By this time the mumblechatter was mixed with gasps for breathe. PAX circled up for the remaining 8 minutes. By request Big Mac lead us in 20x SSH. Next were 20x Tricep dips in cadence.
With 8 minutes left YHC called for a 5 minute cool down and some stretching. This was welcomed by most pax.
With 120 seconds left we did a breif round of mary including calf raises and LBC’s.

YHC left the pax with a message for the day.

A study showed that a negative thought has 4-7 times more influence than a positive thought.
And speaking a thought has 10 times more power than the thought itself

Who do you speak to the most every day? Answer: Yourself

So if you talk to yourself the most, and speaking negativley is so much more powerful than negative thoughts alone…you’d better be careful about saying negative things to yourself!

To finish up, we welcomed FNG Bluegrass to F3 Suncoast. Welcome brother.


  • Murph monday at AP. 0700 – Second F to follow
  • Run across America June 12th. In partnership with Canceled from St. Pete. WIll be a “virtual” run but YHC and Canceled will be rounding up the pax as a team run with some stops along the way to do some beat-style exercise. Not your typical run but it’ll be fun!
  • Wildpax in December

We’re Here!


  • Condensers 1 yr old Allen has a procedure today. Prayers for a good outcome
  • Dragnet’s mom as she battles mental illness
  • Pudge’s father  who is in the hospital and his condition is seeming to worsen
  • Trane’s M Sarah and her recovery
  • Ripken’s father who is becoming weak in age

Ripken, Dragnet and Pudge were the center of this morning’s prayer and the pax gathered around placing hands on our brothers to pray for strength, healing and mercy.

This pax is special. There is something truly powerful about the brotherhood we share and are able to bring to others.
Thank you for showing up this morning. It is an honor as always.

Dasani – Out

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