AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 04/28/2021


Number of Pax: 20

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Bing, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Condenser, Cottontail, Crabcakes, Goob, Lobstah, Manziel, Mugsy, Olympus, Pincher, Posh, Props, Pudge, Ripken, Stagecoach, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Props

The BackBlast:

Rusty Q began with the core principles and a mosey around the parking lot to 4 different pain stations. Brief instructions were given (too brief evidently) while completing a warmup of Monkey Humpers, Calf raises, Freddie Mercuries, Flutter kicks, Arm circles, Michael Phelps, Side saddle hops, and Imperial walkers.

The thang consisted of picking a partner and splitting up to each station to spread out. The stations had 4 exercises each focused on Cardio, Core, Legs, and Upper body. The intent was to complete one exercise and complete a lap around the lot before heading to the next station for the next exercise.

One group heard my instructions different and started by completing all 4 exercises at one station before heading to the next. This reduced the normal mumble chatter to quiet creative terms of endearment for the Q.

Special shout out to Pudge for being my partner this morning. His kind feedback along with passing remarks consistently spoke to the running portion being a bit much. I acknowledge the error of my ways when even Big Mac was too winded to talk!

The unspoken challenge to sticking with a partner was each group provided accountability and motivation through the pain. Even one Pax by your side makes a difference!

The COT challenge acknowledged my instructions were not clear enough and it caused certain Pax extra pain unintentionally. To mirror that, certain Pax have found the mumble chatter of our beat downs as something they would rather avoid than participate in. While I believe this is unintentional, I challenged everyone to consider their speech and reach out to Pax they are missing.

Announcements: Grow Ruck is in final planning phase and support Pax are still needed.

Praise: Good showing at this week’s golf tournament.

Props 2.0 is getting baptized Sunday at Lakewood Ranch Baptist Church (5900 Deer Rd Sarasota, FL) at the 10:45am service. All Pax are invited to join in our celebration.

Prayers: Burt in TX is on life support from Covid, Argentina, Brazil and India are also struggling with spikes in Covid. Little girl Layla is fighting for her life in ICU after a drowning incident.

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