AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 05/19/2021


Number of Pax: 22

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bing, Brutus, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Condenser, Cottontail, Crabcakes, Fireball, Goob, Hardhat, Lobstah, Mugsy, Olympus, Papa Smurf, Pincher, Props, Pudge, Ripken, ShamWow, Wolverine, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather:  Glorious

The pre-runners returned to the parking lot to a fairly full pax awaiting the 5:15a start. Disclaimer was shared, core principles reviewed and mission statement stated. YHC asked the pax to reflect on WHY THE HELL ARE WE HERE, and we were off for a mosi around the parking lot and behind Publix w 2 stops along the way for COP:

Stop 1:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x1o IC
  • Windmills x1o IC

Stop 2:

  • LBCs x5 IC – Gotta move, Delivery truck coming
  • Wall Sit (or Pudge Squat)
  • LBCS x10 IC
  • Wheezy Jefferson x10 IC
  • Hello Dolly x10IC

Upon returning to the starting spot, it was time for THE THANG:

On tap today was a 4 corner escalator around the perimeter of the front parking lot.  Starting with 10 reps, increasing by 5 after each lap (after each set of 4). Exercises included the following:

  1. Merkins
  2. Calf Raises
  3. LBCs
  4. Overhead Claps

Round 1 -sets of 10

Round 2 – sets of 15

Round 3 – sets of 20

Round 4 – sets of 25

Some of the pax were able to push behind the 4th set and begin a fifth with the option of going to the 5th floor, or starting to de-escalate.  Timing was perfect as a number of the pax rolled right out of the last set right at 6a.


Why are we here?  This question was asked about 3 weeks ago on a Pincher AP Q and then again asked during the weekend festivities with Slaughter.  After YHC’s 6+ years in F3, it has finally hit me.  My WHY for F3 stems around the realization I am surrounded by truly great men who I know I can count on at any moment.  But more importantly, I am here for that guy who needs me there during COT or in a chat following the beatdown.  F3 isn’t just about getting fit, while that is a GREAT bi-product.  It is being given the opportunity to look across the BOM and be able to tell that man I am here for you, I have your six.  No Man is ever left alone, and no man is ever unloved in F3.

John 15: 12

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you”

Proverbs 27:17

“As Iron Sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another”

Brothers in the gloom, know that you are loved and know that you have an army of men to watch you six at all times, Aye!

~Bing out

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