Don’t SLACK on Communication

Weather: It’s Florida… YHC rolled into the parking lot to find several PAX getting in some EC, well done. Bing showing up only for EC, as he had a flight…

Chilipeppers Gives Back, some pain!

Cool 74 or so, 90+ humidity.  Chilipepper is back after just over a week recovery, wanting to give back to the PAX.  5:15 rolled around, disclosures, FNGs were welcomed.  5…

Remember the Yellow Pages

73F Clear – 5 core principles announced, 2 FNG’s present. Warmorama: Mosey around parking lot with dynamic stretching. Then circle up: SSH, Mountain Cimbers, Holyfield’s, windshield wipers, dry docks, agitators,…


Today was meant to be a reprieve from a tough May Challenge of running and merkins.  Unfortunately, that meant a heavy dose of butt-grinding, ab-smashing goodness delivered right from the…

Stacked Ladder

Nice morning.  70-ish, light breeze, low humidity.  YHC, fully prepared for a solo workout, jogged up to find three eager compatriots ready to work on a Tuesday that feels like…

Operation Coupon Carry

66F clear with no wind, zero breeze, none at all. Rigorous warmup routine with mosey run and dynamic stretching Q assign each Pax with a battle Buddy Starting from cone:…

Your WHY

Weather:  Glorious The pre-runners returned to the parking lot to a fairly full pax awaiting the 5:15a start. Disclaimer was shared, core principles reviewed and mission statement stated. YHC asked…

Tuesday Tabatas

Warmup Run 2 laps 15 jacks 15 merkins 30 American Hammers 15 Big Boys 10 inch-worm push-ups   The Thang 6 Tabatas – Each Tabata is 8 sets 20 seconds…


75F and clear Most of the men showed up early to get in some stretching and fellowship. Great to see new pax Mrs. doubtfire in attendance again! 5:15a sharp 5…

Bday Q, HH going strong!

What a great way to start my bday than a beatdown at HH!! we had a F3 brother visitor from NC (tater hole, or something like that..). Started, as always,…