When: 05/25/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Mugsy, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

66F clear with no wind, zero breeze, none at all.

Rigorous warmup routine with mosey run and dynamic stretching

Q assign each Pax with a battle Buddy

Starting from cone:

One man carries coupon to other cone and performs 15 overhead squat thrusts then sprints back to send partner to bring back coupon and perform same exercise

While Battle Buddy is carrying, the other is   Performing mountain climbers

This repeats with exercises changing each round as follows

10 burpees using coupon / LBC’s

25 bicep curls while hand release Merkins

15 kettlebell swings / Peter Parkers

40 bent over rows/ SSH

Rinse/ repeat twice


– no big announcements

– praises for those pax continuing to get up early and put in the work with no excuses or complaints

– prayers for those who suffer from addiction of any kind that’s keeping them from close relationship with God and people that they may turn to the Lord and be healed by his cleansing forgiveness


Ask God to instill in our hearts the power to resist evil thoughts, words and actions and to help others who need a hand up.

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