Lame Nantan

Your lame Nantan forgot to do a backblast for the beatdown last Monday.  Just to show you it’s still important to get it in…even if a week late…to get the…


weather: wet and warm 5 core principles and disclaimer announced Warmup: Typical Routine mosey lap with dynamic stretching. SSH, wind mills, plank hold, Merkins to mountain climbers, imperial walkers and…

More Tabatas

Run 1 Warmup – in cadence 10 burpeee 20 merkins 30 Squats 40 LBCs 50 Moroccan nightclubs 6 Tabata – 90 seconds rest 8 sets 20, rest 10 Shoulder taps,…

Two Steps Forward….

Weather: Must’ve just rained cause everything was soggy…but who cares. Core and mission statement were reviewed and disclaimer was shared and the ruckers took off and the bootcampers headed for…


Weather:  80’s and moist/drizzly/perfect Pax not in list: 2.os Yellow Card and Lightning McQueen ShamWow started the beatdown by reciting the disclaimers, core principles and mission statement.  In order to…


Today’s workout was inspired by a section of “Freed to Lead” which is the other F3 book. There’s a passage in that book where they look around the Circle of…

Into the darkness

Typical warm humid summer morning. Five core principles announced. Warmorama: Arm circles, imperial walkers, flutter kicks, mountain climbers, Toy soldiers plus everyone performed 10 penalty burpees for the 2 pax…

Brutus Likey Bearcrawl

PREP:  Laying out a beatdown parking lot pain station map with some bearcrawl integrated in. WEATHER: SW FL in summer.  ‘Nuf said. 5:15AM: F3 5 core principles recited: All workouts…