7 PAX members came out to support SIG’s VQ at the Tower in a hot and muggy Parrish FL. Core Principles and Disclaimer was performed and we headed off for…

Rampage of Grattitude

We started with a rampage of gratitude, warmed up, turned on some motivation ( and got to work! 3 rounds of: 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 merkins, 40 flutter kicks,…

Honoring Murph

A beautiful morning at Adventure Park.  A good time to remember what this day was all about. At promptly 7:00 a.m., Ripken started with the 5CP and sent the Pax…

Running through SpiderWebs

Weather- Florida in late May; humid YHC rolled in around 5:12am and similar to last week’s posting, saw many of the unusual suspects.  Upon eyes actually focusing, Goob noticed Huey,…

Sharpening at the Tower

Conditions: 68 degrees and incredible! Chore principals and disclaimers  Mozi  The usual…. Jog with kerioke, Nur, high knees, and butt kickers The Warmup Ssh, strawberry pickers, mikey Phelps, arm circles,…

SanFrancisco/Ripkenlines and Gridlock hill

65f and dark… oh yeah, early Chore principals and disclaimers mentioned Mozi  the usual The Warm up SSH, strawberry pickers, Merkins,Michael Phelps,arm circles and “Bad Back Stretches” The Thang  Ripken…

Saturday Stack

Welcome FNG Gump who was running through AP on his 7 th mile and someone EHd him during the Mozi!!!!!!!! Chore principals and disclaimers Conditions 67 breezy and dry!!! Mozi easy jog…

Whistle while u Work

Dark 64 degrees and humid Mozi 5 chore principals and disclaimer Jog around four corners and then converted to 20 yard slow speed run including kerioke,Nur,high knees and butt kickers…….…

Beautiful morning for a beatdown!

It was a beautiful morning at AP and 15 pax came out to discuss the madness of the men hoops tourney… Covered the 5 core principles, and gave the DISCLAIMER…

Snipers Ladder

It was great to see Jimmy Dean and Six Pack arrive just before the beatdown started. Quick disclaimer as there were no FNG’s… We headed off with the Mosy around…