The BackBlast:

65f and dark… oh yeah, early

Chore principals and disclaimers mentioned

Mozi  the usual

The Warm up

SSH, strawberry pickers, Merkins,Michael Phelps,arm circles and “Bad Back Stretches

The Thang 

Ripken line drills starting w 5 and heading up to 10

Couple of San Francisco’s (developed in LA)

The pax then jogged behind the mall to Gridlock hill where we conducted a Dora with coupons! 20lb bricks from my yard 😬

The Dora exercises were the following:

100 Burpees (Chili was soooo happy)

300 Lbcs

200 Merkins

200 Squats

while 1 pax member ran up hill carrying the brick for 60 yards and at top of hill 10 squats… back down the hill 60 yards to take over the exercise …

minamal mumble chatter and lots of Iron Sharpening Iron!!!!


Prayer 50

Doubtfire back to the doc

Papas 2.0

Cat5s Mom

Condensors cousin JoAnn




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