Wednesdays are for Tabata

It was a balmy gloom this morning for 5 pax at Winn-Dixieland. 5 core principles and disclaimer were followed closely by a short mosey (butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke) and rolled…

MSU – Making “Stuff” Up

The Q expected a light showing due to the workout blasted about the other, lesser AO.  However, 9 hearty pax rose from their fartsack graves to make an appearance.  Hardly…

I Said Double Tap not Double Dipping

Humidity is back..   7 HIMs + Goob (showed up at the end after running more than I would ever want to) braved the gloom and the unknown consequences of a…

Is This a First Date?

Weather: 62 degrees Pincher was the lone wolf to make it to Dixieland along with the Q. Luckily, this made the reciting of the core principles very easy. I’m not…

Merkin 515!

Lovely morning.. Get a beatdown on.  I am behind on merkins so I “solicited” my brothers to help me out.   A bit light on attendance but not on wiligness to…

12 stations, choose your coupon

On a beautiful, neon light lit morning, 3 Pax gathered to pump some iron.  Goob showed up about halfway through.  The whole workout was done in a circle of 10…


Pre-blast: Nada.  PREP:  Conceive evil ways in which to test pax’s physical tolerance.  WEATHER: 48F and not rainy, but wet. 5:05AM: At the first SE WD parking lot “island”, dropped…

Six more weeks of burpees

Groundhog Day started as usual with 2 of the 3 S’s for Ripken, no shower needed as of yet; the 1st S was glorious.  Soon after it went stupid. Five…