AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 04/27/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: AirWolf, Pincher, Stagecoach, Trump, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

It was a balmy gloom this morning for 5 pax at Winn-Dixieland.

5 core principles and disclaimer were followed closely by a short mosey (butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke) and rolled right into...

The Thang:
Tabata-style bootcamp
50 sec work, 10 sec rest for 6 exercises then 1.5 minutes to run the four-corners route of the parking lot
First 3 sets were:
- Staggered merkins
- Squats w/ a "schotty hop"
- Carolina Dry Docks
- Long swimmers
- Side plank (switch sides at 25 sec)
- Flutter kicks

Sets 4 and 5 were:
- Merkins
- Lateral lunges
- Grady corn
- Bridge (if single leg, switch at 25 sec)
- Banana hammocks (switch side at 25 sec)
- Mountain climbers

After the last run, we did SSHs until it was 6am

Announcements: SUP and Run this weekend; watch slack for May (14th) CSAUP at Coquina Beach and June family beach day. Wildpax will be before Thanksgiving.
TaPs: Safe Travels for Trump and his family going to Tallahassee for college graduation this weekend; continued healing for injured pax and those battling cancer (Mrs Doubtfire and Bellringer) and any family or freidns who are also in fights (too many to recall them all)
Thanks to those who came out and encouragement to those who fartsacked to post or, better yet, Q!


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