AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 01/12/2022


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: AirWolf, Brutus, Crabcakes, Fireball, Goob, Manziel, Pincher, Ripken, Stagecoach, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

5 Core Principles and Disclaimer were shared with the Pax on a brisk and clear morning in the Winn-Dixie Land AO.  What happened next may go down in Winn-Dixie Land AO history for our progeny…

Warm-up: Mosey around the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, nur, skips, and toy soldiers.  With that complete, it was time to do this thang…

Hidden seamount (burpee ladder):
9 long swimmers, 1 burpee (MOT=4 lunges)
8 long swimmers, 2 burpees (MOT)
7 long swimmers, 3 burpees (MOT)
6 long swimmers, 4 burpees (MOT) etc.

1 long swimmer, 9 burpees (MOT)
10 burpees! (Turn back the way you came, MOT)

Work back down to 9 long swimmers, 1 burpee. (100 total burpees for the sequence)

Wild Kingdom (4 corners):
Duck walk, 10x Hello Dollies
Bear crawl, Batwings (20x fwd, 20x bkwd, 20x seal claps, 20x ovhd claps)
Frog jumps, 10x flutter kicks (4 count)
Crab walk, 10x Carolina Dry Docks

Core sample:  20x crunchy frog, 20x push the rock, 20x gas pumps, 20x low country crabs

MoM: 30-60-90 (Trump), 10x 4count merkins (Stagecoach), 13x Flutterkicks (Crabcakes), 10x Turkish Get-ups (Fireball), 5x Wipers

CoT:Announcements — 1/15 new AO in Parrish (Watchtower) – HC with Chilipepper; 1/29 Sarasota Farm Bureau Clayshoot – info on slack and Trump is organizing an F3 group; 2/5 Gridlock’s Superhero 5k event; 3/12 Raider Run;

TaPs for: Crabcakes – thankful In-laws made it home to MA safely, but prayers for MiL who needs care regarding memory and pain conditions – also for Crabcakes M as this is weighing on her and thus the family; Ripken’s M for headaches she’s experiencing that they would turn out to be “normal”, would lessen/disappear, and not be an indicator of something deeper – doc appt sometime in the future; Brutus’ friend Zipper who has a heart condition that needs addressing up in OH that the docs would find/fix the issue; From Stagecoach “3:44 cancer!” as there’ve been many/increasing requests for friends and family in recent months.

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