Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes

A mild 63F at 7:00am – 5 core principles announced by the group, Gold Watch has a hurt shoulder socket, no FNG’s, warmorama began with mosey around building with exercise…

The 3rd Day of Advent?

Disclaimer and 5 core principles.  Long Mozy including butt kickers, high knees and two sessions of wall sits.  Circled up and did quick set of strawberry pickers and Michelle Phelps…

500 in 30

15 mins warmup with dynamic stretching including wallsits and balls to the wall The Thang: 500 merkins in 30 mins interval, followed by football drills then a 4 on 4…

Bi’s, Tri’s, & Thighs

55F clear and dry weather just right for strength training outdoors. We welcomed back Breaker since his hiatus in Miami. Crocs was ready so we headed out for a mosey…

SandBagging it…

Disclaimer, 5 core principles… Quick mozy, Moroccan night clubs, Motivators from 8, and Merkins.  Let’s go. What happens with no one picks up the Q…  this.. PAX was divided in…

Tower Tabata

It was a nice cool morning for a beatdown at The Tower. This was my first Q there and had a good turnout of eight, including two FNGs. After stating…

Muscle Cars? Let’s flex our own muscle..

Gloomy morning.  Pax rolled in just in time.  Disclaimer and 5 core principles were shared.  Long Big Sexy  Mozy monkey jumpers, pickle pointers, pickle pounders, sexy chicks and homer 2…

The Tugboat special edition

7:00a clear skies, 70F Tugboat welcomes pax to F3 and calls out the five core principles. Then he leads us on a brisk mosey around parking lot with Warmorama stations…

IPC Week 5 – finally some murder bunnies

Great sunrise and great day to finish  Week 5 of IPC..   Disclaimers and 5 core principles.  Mozy, high knees, butt kickers.  We circled up and did SSH, strawberry pickers,…

Iron Pax Challenge Week 3

Special thanks to Blade Runner for assisting with course setup and keeping time. 7am sharp 5 core principles announced with disclaimer and mission statement. With the 2 FNG’s introduced we…