Figure 8 Pain Stations

Good group drove in just as YHC was putting the finishing touches on the requisite sidewalk chalk art. At the end of the Beatdown, Chilipepper passed the Tower Shovel to…

Salted Burpees

Quick Note: Chilipepper did nonstop burpees since 6am to reach an astonishing 810 completed with Sir Wallace and Tugboat getting in a little earlier and knocking out a couple hundred…

Cindy on the Move

Humid morning for a great beatdown.  AO was quiet as I rolled in.  Crocks showed.  5 core principles and disclaimers.   Flopper and switch rolled in asking for a few late…

Shady Acres Coupon Party!

Welcome to the retirement party!!  With 14 in attendance and average age of 51, we lit it up and crushed some coupons! 7:00 am – We circled up and Disclaimer,…

Tabata & Field of Dreams

We did some burpees.  Whatever.  After the beatdown I got the following text from Lights Out, a down-ranger from St. Louis. “Man, I really connected with @Paw Patrol after the…

8 Rounds

72 Degrees and Sunny! 7:00 am pax circled up. Disclaimer and 5 core principals were given. Mosey – Lap around the parking lot with Nur, High Knees, Butt Kickers, and…

Neal Diamond

With most of the team at Mysterio2 the 2 PAX gathered with the heart and spirit of 200. We read the 5 core principles and the disclaimer. Our warm up…

F-3 F-U-N-C-O-A-S-T

Happy Earth Day!! Beautiful crisp morning. 69 Degrees 7:00 am Pax gathered – Disclaimer, 5-Core Principals, and Mission Statement was given. * Mosey – Indian Run Mosey Around the Parking…

Chilipepper’s 6th Birthday!

Great morning to celebrate Chilipepper’s 6th birthday! PAX gathered, disclaimers and 5 core principles were announced. We then did a mozy with butt kickers, Nur, high knees, and lots of…

Via Dolorosa #2

Today I wanted to reflect on this day when we remember that Christ did for us.   Stations were set about 50 ft apart.   Pax were voluntold and given a…