Team Competition

Weather: Upper 70s

QIC: Bing

Pax: LG, McNugget, Scrum, ROTC, Bogata, Yamaha, ShamWow, Sparky, Dash, Pincher, Rowdy, Recall, Drake, Manziel, Big Mac, CottonTail, Bolt, Wofford, Haka, Aquaman

Many of the pax ended our 3rd F discussion as the remainder of the pax arrived for a Bing Saturday gloom beatdown.  After sharing the disclaimer with our 2 FNGs along with discussing the mission of F3 (No, Pincher, it ISN’T beat Bing!) we took off for an extended mosi including NUR, butt kickers, carioca x2, one of which went long because I forgot we were doing it, and then we ended back at the echo chamber for COP.


  • SSH x30 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • Peter Parker x10 IC
  • Parker Peter x10 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC

Seeing we circled up nicely in the rink, we started with 1 round of starfish.  Starting in the middle of the rink, we would do 3 exercises in each face-off circle and then lunge walk to each other face-off circle, always returning back to the center before advancing to the next circle. The 3 exercises included Carolina Dry Docks, LBCs and Salsa Dips.  Salsa Dips plus lunge walking was a lovely combination.

Next up was the card competition.  21 cards were placed on the basketball court.  The challenge was explained as this:  Each team must send a runner out to the basketball court to retrieve 1 card.  Each card contains two exercises.  The exercise with the count must be executed by ALL TEAM MEMBERS BEFORE GETTING the next card. While the teammate gets the next card, the remainder of the team does the other exercise listed.  The running path included staying on the sidewalk and shell trail and then a full lap around the hockey rink.  For the first card retrieval, the teams were to plank until their return.  There is 21 cards, the team that gets 11 wins!

The exercises included:

  • 40 SSH in Cadence/American Hammers
  • 30 Monkey Humpers/Freddie Mercuries
  • 20 Diamond Merkins/LBCs
  • 30 Sumo Squats/Lunges
  • Dealer’s Choice/Nolan Ryans
  • 15 Seal Team Sit-ups/Elbow Plank
  • 1 lap around the circle/Shoulder Taps
  • 25 Burpees/Overhead Claps
  • 30 Merkins/High Knees in place
  • 25 Mountain Climbers in cadence/Calf Raises
  • 13 Donkey Kicks/Dying Cockroach
  • 15 Makhtar N’Diayes/Dancing Bears
  • 25 Partner Merkins/Box Cutters
  • 20 Wheezy Jeffersons/Groiners
  • 25 Dips/Annie
  • 30 Hello Dolly/SSH
  • Jailbreak (sprint to the top of the tower and return)
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys/Overhead Claps
  • 20 Goofballs/Seal Jacks
  • 15 Mike Tysons/Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 22 Peter Parkers/Parker Peters

Nothing beats the fact that team 2 ended the Thang by retrieving the 25 burpee card on the last retrieval.  It was also amazing to see Dash take off to grab a card with lightning speed and then lead his team in cadence for a 25 count of mountain climbers.

Timing was perfect as we only had 1 minute of Mary that included side planks for 60 seconds.  Welcome to Bogata (F5), Haka and ROTC.  Haka came to attend the 3rd F without really planning to attend the 1st F, but couldn’t pass up the fellowship he was witnessing.  ROTC came to us after learning about us at the SUP n RUN race a few weeks ago.  He is clearly a great young man who will make a great impact on the PAX. Thanks to F5 for sharing Bogata with us and we look forward to seeing him often.


  • Twin Lakes AO moving to Benderson for Tuesdays after 7/2
  • Look for another Ronald McDonald date in September
  • July 4th – 7a 1776 Patriot Games at Adventure Park
  • F3 Beach Bums at North Jetty Park today – starting at 10am
  • Anyone who is available – Cat needs help moving


  • For Jake, Recall’s 2.0 and the Haven School
  • Drakes M for healing and patience
  • Drake’s friend with Cancer (Dennis)
  • Manziel’s former co-worker, Abbey who has brain cancer and will be undergoing surgery
  • Injured Pax
  • Gilligan from F3 Greensboro
  • Props and his recovery from Hernia surgery

Always an honor to lead this great group of HIM and even better when we get to welcome 3 FNGs!

~Bing Out!