Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

Weather: 69F, 85% humidity, perfect morning for some up-tempo running. Welcome: After a quick EC warm-up, YHC greeted the pax with the 5 core principles and obligatory disclaimer along with a quick…

Doody Soup

75 degrees and 90% humidity made for a sweaty run at the Fort…. YHC declared earlier in the week that today would be a tempo challenge day for him and…

On the Fly

Weather: Perfect Upon arrival, we were informed that our scheduled Q had jacked his car up..literally.  Somehow a jack was necessary to change a light bulb in his headlights.but I…

Days old McDonald’s

Weather- summer muggy but dodged the thunder and lightning and rain.  So we got to run. At 5:14am and change, Goob started laying out the plan of the day.  As…

Beat Bing’s PR

Two weeks ago at the Hamer, Pincher came in hot, cursing up a storm that, once again, he had missed Bing’s PR time for the North Loop Strava segment…  and…


Perfect mid 50 degree temps to start the day. The Pre-Blast informed those willing to attend that today would be a workout focused on speedwork.  In fact, today was going…

Heading to the North Loop

Weather: Low 60s Pax were arriving via all different means, many have done a pre-run, it was time to declare the route.  Seeing many of the Ft. Hamer OG in…

Easy Easy or Hard Hard

Weather: 61F and humid, great day for some FL running. Welcome: At exactly 0515, YHC greeted the pax and plowed through the 5 core principles with no disclaimer (all attending…

Shared Leadership…AKA..do what you want!

Weather:  Good The Ft Hamer AO was buzzing this morning..and there were a lot of guys eager to accelerate their fitness.  YHC declared that there would be a rucking option…

Minute Man

Overcast clouds 68 Degrees Humidity 77% Wind at 3mph from the East…..   YHC at 0550 to find Cottontail and Yamaha already on site and waiting to get started…..those who…