perfect weather for losing body weight

The weather was perfect this morning if your goal was to profusely sweat within seconds of walking out the front door.  Real feel was 91 degrees at launch (yep, that…

The Murph & Passing of the Flag

Today was a day to honor the fallen soldiers that gave us all our freedoms.  After the 5CP and Mission statement, PorkRoll led us off with the singing of the…

6 Year Anniversary – Stronger Together

Weather: Absolutely glorious The men of F3 Suncoast converged to celebrate 6 years for F3 Suncoast, and a celebration it was.  Betamax, Enron, Manziel, Crabcakes and YHC took on a…

Shut the Hamer down

With a couple of our regulars in Bing and Spinal Tap missing, and only 19 others in attendance for a beautiful 62 degree morning run/ruck at the Hamer, it may…

Not Just A Walk In The Park

Weather:  Steamy HOT It was great to hear of some of the mumblechatter the night before about a few new guys to come and ruck with us…and one who hasn’t…

Broga Leads to Flop Sweat

While 10 hearty pax showed up to the spectacle of Ripken leading yoga, 278 other pax chose to fartsack, or worse….go to the gym (oh, the humanity!).   YHC was one…

Some went left and some went right

A slightly cooler Thursday morning allowed for a nice fellowship pace run at the Fort.  YHC declared the 6.2 mile loop would be the course today.  Huey opted to do…

F3 Fountain Fartleks at the Fort

Since we had an FNG this gloom, we actually reviewed the core tenets of F3 and then laid out the plan. Hit the figure 8 in reverse direction with 2…

Old School Hamer Time

Hot and Humid – more than usual. Many pax were out and about, getting in some pre-miles and then 5:15a struck and it was time to officially launch.  Today -…

Modify and Modify Again

Weather: Steamy Having received a 4:30a text from our Q, calling for a replacement due to some sinus congestion, the plan was made up on the fly, but is there…