AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 04/07/2022


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Bing, Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Crabcakes, Enron, Fireball, Goob, Pincher, Spinal Tap, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Crabcakes

The BackBlast:

75 degrees and 90% humidity made for a sweaty run at the Fort….

YHC declared earlier in the week that today would be a tempo challenge day for him and asked that the PAX in attendance consider participating as well.  YHC declared his target pace during the tempo would be 7:30 per mile……

We started at 0515, well most of us started at 0515,  Fireball truly earned his nickname today when he arrived on two wheels at 80mph into the parking lot……

The first mile was a warmup mile or for Bing it was a percolating mile because he quickly bailed for a Porta John. A few of the other PAX, YHC included, continued on and conquered the first tempo mile in 7:34 and the 2nd tempo mile in 7:39.  At the 2.5 mile mark of the Tempo run it became obvious that the humidity, the temp, and YHC’s digestive tract weren’t going to allow for YHC to achieve his pre-stated goal. As a result, YHC went and visited the local golf course restroom in the middle of no where while Spinal Tap, Goob and Pincher carried on.

Needless to say YHC didn’t obtain his goal and eventually made it back to the parking lot to a group of PAX who had already completed their run.

Today was a lesson in….it’s okay to improvise beforehand if the weather isn’t cooperating because being stubborn and trying to accomplish the pre-stated goal isn’t always the best approach and quite often doesn’t lead to the best outcome.


April 16th- Hills bike ride in San Antonio Florida

April 23 Gator Wilderness run

April 30th Sup and Run 5k

May 1st- St Anthony’s Tri

May 14th- Brutus CSAUP event at the Beach.  HC if interested.

November- Wild Pax


Crabcakes MIL had a good day yesterday and is willing to explore Assisted living options

Pincher’s M- Positive Test results and news from physician


Shamwow for positive results and platelet levels at Dr appointment today

Goob’s grandmother had an event about two weeks ago.  Prayers for Goob’s Mother, Aunt, and Grandmother as they work to understand what the event was and provide care

CrabCakes MIL, prayers for continued healing and support for her children as they work to determine appropriate next steps.

It was fun as always…….never a dull moment at the Fort,


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