Overcoming Adburpseety 2 (100 burpees)

PREP:  Review YHC’s notes from 13-AUG Q.  Put on burpee shoes (worn out on end and tops of toes). WEATHER: Same as all other beatdowns from JUN-SEP: Like a pot…

650 On Your Radio Dial Dora Ladder

Warmup What would Tuesday NBP be without a loop around the parking lot, and out to Cattlemen. Regular, Nur and Dillards and Tower karaoke. Exercircle A simple round with about…

Revenge of the Bunnies – IronPax Week 1

Great morning for a IronPax Workout…  a bit light, I wonder why?  I started up a few minutes early explaining the IronPAX week 1 beatdown as well as the Alternative…

Labor Day 4 Corners

Weather…..hot and humid YHC arrived at 0500 and noticed Stagecoach getting in some extra credit miles….YHC cautioned Stagecoach not to overdo it with the running…. At 0515 YHC reviewed the…


Today was a double birthday Q, but Defib had to keep the hospital running so YHC got the honor of leading the Pax through a series of ridiculous exercises and…

Beach Body

This was a really solid turnout, despite a ruck workout and the new Winn Dixie AO at the same time. The first part of the workout was a “beach body”…

Simple Four Corners, and Peace in Daily Lives

Weather: A normal August Florida morning. Maybe a breeze. Same old. Will be same tomorrow. Mozy & Warmup: The usual. Strawberry Pickers, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, etc. 15 of each. The…

Lame Nantan

Your lame Nantan forgot to do a backblast for the beatdown last Monday.  Just to show you it’s still important to get it in…even if a week late…to get the…

Cardi-B meets Cardi-O

Weather:  Not bad for FL August morning, and if you like sleeping under hot, wet blankets when it’s 80-degrees. Welcome: YHC greeted the pax at exactly 0515, barked-out the 5…