AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 09/17/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Brutus, Cat 5, Lifeboat, Papa Smurf, Props, Pyro, Spartan, Stagecoach, Steel, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

PREP:  Review YHC’s notes from 13-AUG Q.  Put on burpee shoes (worn out on end and tops of toes).

WEATHER: Same as all other beatdowns from JUN-SEP: Like a pot of boiled pasta (credit to Gridlock again)

5:15AM: YHC advised that Condenser was out today and would be taking the Q.  YHC actually forgot the F3 5 core principles – oops.  Welcomed Lifeboat, a return DR / Suncoast frequent flyer from ATL (who has been to 44 F3 regions).  Light attendance @ 8 pax today – see warm-up bullet below for reason – everybody split up…

(Pre beatdown) MESSAGE: “We’re doing 100 burpees today!!”  Let’s mosey.  Bring your water bottles.

WARM UP: Mosey to north/west bridge to Cattlemen to greet the 8 cyclists, and 3 brave souls doing Iron Pax week 2.  Turn right onto Cattlemen, some nur w/arms up for wave to cyclists.  Cross Cattlemen @ south/east bridge and triangle up for SSH, strawberry pickers and static leg stretches.  Continue mosey down palm tree path approx 6 tree sets.  Some minor path clearing of palm fronds along the way.  Stop #2 for Windmills, arm circles and Michael Phelps.  Continue mosey / carioca L/R.  Stop #3 about 6 more tree sets for merkins, and I dunno what else.  Finish mosey to last of the (19) sets of palms on the path.  Recover.

THE THANG: Starting at the set of trees closest to UTC mall, Pax run to 3rd set of trees (toward Cattlemen), then perform 3 exercises x 5 each (4 count): Merkins, Gas Pumps and Squats.  Then run back toward UTC one tree set and perform 10x burpees.  This is one set; repeat = from current tree set, run 3 more tree sets toward Cattlemen, perform 3 exercises above, then run “back” one tree set toward UTC malland 10 burpees.  Continue to the end of the trees.  In total, @ 19 sets of palms = 9 complete sets of running/exercises.

All 9 sets were completed.  Everyone did the cadence count; YHC did it 2x.  About 5 minutes remaining.  Mosey back across Cattlemen across south/east bridge, stop after bridge and do 5 burpees.  Mosey back to top of Sniper Hill and finish off the last 5 (downhill) burpees.  That’s 100 burpees!  There were 2 minutes left; LBCs until 6:00AM.

Playlist: nope

MESSAGE: YHC intentionally announced the sucky target of 100 burpees up front so pax knew the challenge and would be prepared to meet it.  As HIMs, we need to overcome known adversity and work through the challenge, as we did today.


  • Happy Birthday Wolverine!
  • Welcome DR Lifeboat from ATL
  • Sir Wallace sponsoring Laps for Life @ Ft Hamer Oct 7
  • Wildpax Dec 2-4 – check Slack and HC w/$100
  • Iron pax continues for SEP
  • 2nd F @ The Parrot EITHER TUES 9/28 or THURS 9/30 – VOTE on slack
  • Harbour Church (Defib) launching 19-SEP


  • Ripken praise for muddling through multiple family “events” the past few months – all in a better place now
  • 7 pax participating in ½ Ironman next weekend Augusta GA – be safe and get after it.
  • Mr Clean’s M improving – hope to see Clean soon
  • Defib praise that COVID is improving @ SMH.

WRAP-UP/AAR:  Timing was great to complete the beatdown as intended.  There were few complaints.  YHC turned on Garmin late, so inaccurate calorie count.  This beatdown was done 5 weeks ago @ Cat5’s first post, and he commented @ coffeeteria that his fitness has already improved!  Y’all will see this beatdown again – it’ll be YHC’s go-to…

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