Pax Came Down From Where?!?

5:30 Start, although YHC got there at 5:17 and there were already 2 Pax stretching. We are just so used to 5:15. 5:30 Started. YHC’s not only VQ at Bee…

Battle Buddy

5:15a warm & humid – 5 core principles and disclaimer announced. Bubbles lead the Ruckers and YHC started the warmup: mosey run with dynamic stretching, SSH, Peter Parker, break dancers,…

Time Is Ticking!

Today was certainly warm and humid.  With our only run being the mosey, the Pax where certainly sweeting to the oldies (or at least the 80’s).  Our 12th Pax today…

Dora Sorta

At 5:28 it was just two off us, when a car came in and honked.  Still in his car at 5:30, the 5 core principles and disclaimer were stated.  We…

Bad Clown – DORA

As I readied myself for bed Monday night I saw a post from Sir Wallace… nobody was set to Q Tuesday session. I was quit to respond as others must’ve…

The Murph & Passing of the Flag

Today was a day to honor the fallen soldiers that gave us all our freedoms.  After the 5CP and Mission statement, PorkRoll led us off with the singing of the…

Pre-Murph Concern

10 Pax didn’t fartsack through some of the best weather we’ve seen in the last 3 months.  66 degrees and low humidity, clear skies and sun.  YHC covered the F3…

Monday Morning Madness

Opened with light stretches, strawberry pickers and side straddle hops and mosied around the park a couple times. Then 4 corners doing leg lifts, LBC, heels to the sky and…

Monday Morning Madness

Opened with light stretches, strawberry pickers and side straddle hops and mosied around the park a couple times. Then 4 corners doing leg lifts, LBC, heels to the sky and…