AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 06/13/2023


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Bernie, Beta Max, Big Mac, Deep Dish, Defib, Gold watch, Goob, Kotter, Manning, Sir Wallace, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bernie

The BackBlast:

Today was certainly warm and humid.  With our only run being the mosey, the Pax where certainly sweeting to the oldies (or at least the 80’s).  Our 12th Pax today was 2.0 Groot.

Spoke the 5 core principals and then we were off to the races!  No time to waste.


Jogged around the parking lot while preforming butt kickers, high knees, and karaoke before circling up.  To wake up our minds and bodies we completed:

Side straddle hops x 11 (cadence)

Imperial Walkers x 10 (cadence)

Strawberry Pickers x 10 (cadence)

Micheal Phelps

The THANG: Playlist, 80’s

Today we raced the clock.  There were 12 stations established, in a circular clock-like formation.  In the center of the formation was a speaker blasting the 80’s with Tabata timer.  Each Pax took a position at one of the 12 stations and performed the exercise for that particular station.  The timer was set in 50 second exercise intervals and 10 second recovery intervals, just enough time to move to the next station.  We repeated each station 3 times for a total planned workout of 36 minutes.  The exercises were as follows:

  • 1:00 – American Hammers
  • 2:00 – Merkin
  • 3:00 – Squats
  • 4:00 – WWII
  • 5:00 – Curls
  • 6:00 – Plank
  • 7:00 – 30/60/90
  • 8:00 – Merkin
  • 9:00 – Toe taps
  • 10:00 – WWI
  • 11:00 – Tricep Dips
  • 12:00 – Plank

After we completed 3 rounds of the clock, we were left with 2 minutes before 6 so, we did 2 more stations and ended exactly as 6am, at the final evil laugh from Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

Announcements/Praises/Prayers — Ending in COT

  • New AO starting this Saturday at Urfer Family Park.  Come out and show your support as we plant a new flag!
  • The Guillotine is now closed on Tuesdays.
  • Patriot Games to be held 4th of July
  • July Family Beach day is in the works…more to come
  • Let’s keep Bing in our prayers as he continues to push forward with his health struggles
  • Let’s keep Beta Max’s M’s grandmother in our prayers
  • Let’s keep Goob’s sister-in-law in our prayers as she battles a form of cancer

It was privilege to lead the Pax this morning!


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