AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 05/27/2023


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Jimmy Dean, Lobstah, Pom Pom, Pyro, Replay, Sea Duty, ShamWow, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

10 Pax didn’t fartsack through some of the best weather we’ve seen in the last 3 months.  66 degrees and low humidity, clear skies and sun.  YHC covered the F3 Mission, 5 core principles and a disclaimer.  There were no FNGs and we were joined a little bit into the beatdown by ShamWow who was on his second beatdown of the day!!!

W/U: Mosey around the parking lot for
– high knees/ butt kickers/ karaoke (switch)/ high skip/ nur
– 10 SSH, 10 Abe Vigodas, 10 IWs

Catch me if you can:
Partner up – one pax slow jogs and other does 20 merkins (or a mod) then runs to catch up; 4 Laps

Mosey to b-ball court
7s drill
– Carolina Drydocks & SSH (mot: nur)

Centurion Pyramid: merkins, squats, WWIIs

Core samples
– 20 banana hammocks
– 20 long swimmers
– 20 dying cockroaches
– 20 rock pushers
– 20 Crunchy frog

MoM: SSH (Replay), “Russian Twist” (Sea Duty)


Announcements: Tomorrow there is a Memorial Day Parade in downtown LWR from 6-8.  Support the memory of those who have fallen in service to our country; Monday there will be a modified (I assume since the real pull-up bar is gone) Murph to honor the fallen — stay for food and drinks afterward!  1776 Patriot Games will be on/around Independence Day.  Last but not least, come out to support our newest Saturday AO (Urfer Family Park, 4000 Honore Ave) with Snapshot.  Reach out to him if you have questions.  Others will have to support soon on the Q sheet as he will be DR soon in June for a bit.

Probably some new 2nd F opportunities soon.

TaPs: Happy 19th to Pom Pom’s daughter Aurora; Congrats to all the recent graduates and also prayers that they are safe with the parties and make good decisions about their future; gratitude for another year completed by teachers and prayers they recharge over the summer.  Praises for the amazing weather today!  Last but not least, prayers for Slim in Cleveland whose M passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer.

Be kind and strong out there!

-AirWolf, Out

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