Come for a beatdown. Stay for the yoga.

We got lucky with today’s beatdown: A torrential storm rolled over Adventure Park a short time after we finished. We had a good turnout. Most of the Pax plan to…

Creative Burpeenessss

Great morning to be at NBP!   5 Core Principles were anounced and the fact I’m not liable for what we are about to partake.   Mozy, High Knees, Monkey…

First crisp gloom

Weather: a crisp 60F with very little wind (no complaints here) Although it was not easy to get out of the warm, cozy bed, the benefit of sharing 45min hour…

No name Friday

Conditions 69 and clear! Mozi/Warm up We started w jogging the bridges which included “curb”  kerioke,Nur,butt kickers and high knees. Then we warmed up w Ssh, Michael Phelps, arm circles, Imperial walkers,…

No Blow Wednesday

Conditions:78 humid and dark. Welcome CPap from Charlotte! Mozi and Warmup: We launched from the liquor store on Liqour loop and performed high knees, butt kickers, kerioke and Nur stuff.…

Ladder of Success turned Highway to Hell

If downhill was a slippery slope, this beatdown turned Avalanche by 5:18 a.m. Ripken arrived tired and “hangry” from no sleep, rot-gut from Sunday’s fare and a Rays World Series…

Leading By Example

Weather: Absolutely Perfect 5:15 struck, core principles reviewed, and disclaimer was given.  The Pax were reminded our last Bing Beatdown that included no running, well, that was the past, it’s…


PREP: At 5:13, face-melting guitar began emerging from the Bose: Van Halen’s Eruption brought us all to life.  A perfect 1 minute and 42 seconds combination of fury and auditory…