AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 11/20/2020


Number of Pax: 20

Pax Names: BP 20, Brutus, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Clutch, Dasani, Goob, Gridlock, Lancelot, Manziel, Posh, Pudge, Pyro, Raider, Repino, Ripken, Sniper, Steel, The Bomb,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Great morning to be at NBP!


5 Core Principles were anounced and the fact I’m not liable for what we are about to partake.


Mozy, High Knees, Monkey Humpers, Nur, Nur Butt Kickers, curb step ups and we then circled up.  Fast SSH, strawberry pickers and Michael Phelps.  The tower was off limits so a quick modify.


Pax teamed up in groups of 2, each with one+ coupons and 1 bucket.  We mozied over to the bridge.  Pax were then instructed to place all coupons in the bucket (20 to 40 lbs).  One pax will do a bucket carry over the bridge while other pax does prescribed burpee then the switch then do a team sprint in the other direction to the parking lot and back and complete the core exercise listed.



  • Bucket Carry  + Jack Burpee + Flip
    • Team Sprint + 30 BBS
  • Bucket Carry + Hand release shoulder tap Burpee + Flop
    • Team Sprint + 30 Skydivers
  • Bucket Carry + Burpee break Dancer + Flip
    • Team Sprint + 30 Plank Side Bends e/side
  • Bucket Carry + Cornhusker Burpee + Flop
    • Team Sprint + 30 Pickle Pointers


Welcome Elway from F3 Naperville.  Very well represented!



  • WildPax – sign up
  • Alzhiemers Walk Manana at AP, 7:00.
  • Bridge a life 10k/5k
  • 10 Year in Wilmington, NC in January



  • Sarah – Trane’s wife as she recovers from a car accident
  • Quick Draw
  • Drakes brother in law
  • Ripken’s Father in law having bladder removed Tuesday
  • Sniper’s friend Kenny
  • Rowdy and his battle against migraines.
  • First responders and military
  • Our Country as a whole

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