Sir Wallace BOOTCAMP

72F with 57% humidity 5 core principles and disclaimer announced. Warmup: Echo chamber: jump rope, various leg and back stretches, arm circles, Michael Phelps, mountain climbers, Abe Bagota’s, penalty burpees…

Peanut Butter Blast

YHC was on Q, twice this week thanks to Bing… Prior to launch there was some chatter about a seafood buffet being formed at the Hammer, but this gloom there…

Trump’s Homework

Great crisp morning with a slight breeze. 5 Core principles were a ounces and disclaimers given.  It was announced that the Pax should thanks Trump for the forthcoming beatdown.. Mozy…

Stronger When Together

YHC posted on Slack a 20 mile segment loop with a challenge to hit it today. As YHC rolled in only Ripken was there, so the mind started to wonder…

Bing’s One Shot!

Disclaimer Given: F3, Core Principles, Purpose and Men go ahead and sign up to Q! Warm up: Mosey around Adventure Park for some butt kickers, high knees and simply getting…

It’s a big day- PINCHER HAS CRABS

CONGRATULATIONS were in order- PINCHER HAS CRABS!!   Posh and Lobstah rolled in to the parking lot at 5:14:18 this fine gloom and by the time their feet hit the…

Honoring Hightower

Saturday’s beatdown started sticky and got stickier.  We had 2 cameo appearances by Pax trying to get their names in the backblast, but I agreed not to mentioned Defib or…

Leading By Example

Weather: Absolutely Perfect 5:15 struck, core principles reviewed, and disclaimer was given.  The Pax were reminded our last Bing Beatdown that included no running, well, that was the past, it’s…

We Ran

Weather: 77 and 90% humidity The same six pax from last week took on the northern loop this time, with YHC and Lobstah modifying the distance with an out and…


PREP: At 5:13, face-melting guitar began emerging from the Bose: Van Halen’s Eruption brought us all to life.  A perfect 1 minute and 42 seconds combination of fury and auditory…