
Today was meant to be a reprieve from a tough May Challenge of running and merkins.  Unfortunately, that meant a heavy dose of butt-grinding, ab-smashing goodness delivered right from the…

Who do you talk to the most?

Weather: HUMID YHC arrived at 0420 for a pre-ruck with Cavallino. We encountered a few pre-runners along the way. 0515 the pax was assembled and the mumblechatter was thick. 5…

B.O.M.B.S at The Tower

Weather: Mid 60’s Humidity: Not as bad as it could be. YHC rolled in at 0455 to find Goob out on a Pre-Run. The remaining PAX rolled in and the…

In Honor of Hightower 374

A beautiful day, it was.  Ripken, Pincher and Yamaha headed out for some pre-ruck work with coupons at 5:15.  Enron got in a pre-run for some EC as well. Today’s…

Your WHY

Weather:  Glorious The pre-runners returned to the parking lot to a fairly full pax awaiting the 5:15a start. Disclaimer was shared, core principles reviewed and mission statement stated. YHC asked…

Mission Accomplished

arrived a bit before 0500, pincher and ripken just heading out for a cylcing beatdown. cool 64dF morning compared to the recent mornings. welcomed two down range guests, Bubba &…

Teamwork Tuesday

Weather: HUMID. Foggy 5:15 rolled around and YHC weclomed the pax and 1 FNG to the Tuesday morning beatdown. 5 core principles were covered and disclaimers made. Out for a…

Let’s Meet

Weather: Cool and lower 70s Disclaimer was shared along with the 5 core principles and the pax were off for an opening mosi including high knees, carioca, and butt kickers,…

Ladder at the Tower

We started Tuesday morning at 5.15 with 5 core principles and then a mosey. At about 5.16, everyone was sweating buckets. Summer is here and on full blast already. The…

As easy as 1,2,3

Weather: beautiful morning for a nice beatdown I took my 2.0 (Hammer Head) to the AO,  and in the car he told me he would never meet a beatdown when…