AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 05/11/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Condenser, Dasani, Goob, Hardhat, Papa Smurf, Rapino, Schweitzer, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: schweitzer

QIC: Dasani

The BackBlast:

Weather: HUMID. Foggy

5:15 rolled around and YHC weclomed the pax and 1 FNG to the Tuesday morning beatdown.
5 core principles were covered and disclaimers made. Out for a quick mosi

Butt Kickers, Carioca and Nur around the parking lot for a quick warm up then off to the base of the tower.

YHC stated that latley we have been doing a great job of working as a team, even with varied levels of endurance, ability and stamina. Picking up the six, staying in cadence etc. Today’s focus would be on that. Teamwork.

In the tower parking lot we would do one set of an excerise, then climb to a designated level of the tower, and do a set of another exercise. If finished before the six, you would pick up the six and finish the round as a group. Then rendevous back in the parking lot.

After that “round” the pax did a set of exercise in cadence before starting the next round. It went like this:

Round 1:
30x squats
Climb to the BING deck
30x merkins
rendevous in parking lot
10 SSH in cadence

Next round…. etc.

Following rounds included Lunges, American Hammers, Sumo Squats, LBC’s, Bobby Hurley’s, Excile Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Big Boy Sit Ups, and Calf Raises.
Each round took us one level hugher on the tower and of course,…15 burpees when we reached the top!

A jailbreak was required in the precense of an FNG. When we reached the bottom we finished strong with a Round of Mary. YHC suggested that whichever exercise you disliked the most was likely the one you NEED the most and voluntold the pax to call that particular exercise 🙂

A few  burpees, left and right plank and Carolina Dry Docks concluded our Tuesday morning.We welcomed Schwietzer to the Suncoast, a new HIM, EH’d by Hardhat.

Lastly, before we took a knee, YHC suggested that we chose a random Pax in attendance and have them state who EH’d them, and how they got their nickname. Something that has been done on occasion previously but is a great way to get to know some of our HIM’s!

Rapino- EH’d by Condenser. Coacches his daughters soccer team and was named after Megan Rapinoe, an American professional soccer player of the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL), as well as the United States national team.

Announcements: This Friday & Sat events leading up to GrowRuck with some special guests
Praises: We’re here!
Prayers: Condenser’s co-worker Jason, our nation, our leaders, pax who fartsacked

Thank you gentlemen for the opportunity. Welcome Schwietzer

Dasani Out.

1 thought on “Teamwork Tuesday”

  1. FNG was nicknamed Schweitzer, why?

    well with a hospital name Ernie, it seemed natural to consider him a candidate for Bert, which moves us to Sesame Street and since he is a long time member of the Palm Grove Mennonite Church, YHC threw out “Grover” which seemed a good fit.

    BUT… he shared a story of how years ago God wrecked his world while serving at a hospital in Haiti. The name of that little have was Hopital Albert Schweitzer.


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