AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 05/25/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Clutch, Dasani, Dragnet, Goob, Megalodon, Papa Smurf, Schweitzer, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dasani

The BackBlast:

Weather: Mid 60’s
Humidity: Not as bad as it could be.

YHC rolled in at 0455 to find Goob out on a Pre-Run.
The remaining PAX rolled in and the 5 core principles were covered as well as disclaimers

Mosi around the parking lot with a few high knees, butt kickers and nur before circling up in the parking lot of the Tower.
Before the Thang we did some stretching.

The Thang
Pax paired up.
One pax performs the exercise while the other runs to the 2nd “intersection” and back.
Collectivley the two pax would achieve the number of reps required and move on to the next exercise.

50x Burpees
100x Overhead Claps
150x Merkins
200x Big Boy Sit Ups
250x Squats

About 4 Merkins in YHC felt something burning in my shoulder… so I called an audible. As it is not a good look to Q something you cannot do, the Pax were not required to complete the Merkins. If you chose to, you get extra credit!

Finishing the round at 0555 YHC called for the pax to circle up and finish with :60 seconds of SSH in cadence.
At 0556 we cooled down with another round of stretching

Wildpax is coming together for Dec
Murph at AP Memorial Day

Beautiful moon and awesome sunrise
Megalodon getting his finances straightened out

Papa Smurf now Freelancing – Prayers for success and happiness in this endeavour!
Megalodon’s former roomate, Jake, has been diagnosed with skin cancer. Prayers for a speedy recovery!
YHC’s M and her mother have not spoken since October. Prayers they find an olive branch.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead such a great group of HIM

Dasani – Out

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