4 for a Picnic

FNG – Disclaimer We are a peer led non-for profit group that uses public property for its work outs. No one is a professional and everyone should work out to…

Burpees Day 2

Weather: not cold, again Again, got there a few minutes early to get my 100 burpees in before the beatdown, and when I pulled up it was Stage Coach trying…

Burpees Day 1

Weather: not cold Got there a few minutes early to get my 100 burpees in before the beatdown, and when I pulled up Sir Wallas was already ahead of me…oh…

Compete Against Yourself

YHC arrived at Heritage Harbor to the sight of PAX taking part in Chilipepper’s Billion Burpee Challenge. Well, technically Olympus was taking part. Everyone else was standing around, hands in…

Getting After it again

Weather – mid 70’s and high humidity The clock struck 7, with the FNGs no where in sight, but the disclaimer was shared along with the core principles and off…

F3 Nation 10th Anniversary @ AP

F3 Nation 10th Anniversary @ AP 70 Degrees: Beautiful Morning 29 HIM headed down to the Basketball courts of Adventure Park   10 years ago on this day in a…

Twelve Days of Christmas

also in attendance, Sully, Ripken’s cousin from … out of town. Warm up 15 side-straddle hops 5 burpees Michael Phelps Arm circles Hamstring stretch Squat stretch Round of warm up…

The Punisher

Weather: 53 and still Pax not listed: Centerfold, Rudy and BluePrint (FNG) Promises were made that today would be less mosey and more core, and that promise was kept.  But,…

The 12 days of Hatemas?

Elf is no longer in the shelf.  He is ready for a beatdown. F3 disclaimer and right to it..  Mozy with nur, nur high knees, nur butt kickers, small arm…