When: 12/22/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Bubbles, Chilipepper, Lancelot, Olympus, Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot

The BackBlast:

“3:44, I got a Run in my Stocking”

 A Frigid 55 Degrees at the Harbor

5 Core Principles.: Men Only, Free, Outside (Hot or Cold, Rain or Shine), Lead by peers on a rotation, ends in Circle of Trust (COT)

Agitators, Arm Circles,  and Michael Phelps, warmed us up

“You better watch out…”

Paired up (Dora),  3 Stations w/ 4 Stockings

Flip a coin to se who was “Naughty or Nice”

Pick a stocking that contained a Naughty Exercise & a Nice Exercise

(The “Naughty “ Pax does the “Naughty” exercise …”Nice” Pax  to “Nice”)

While 1 Pax does his 50 of his exercise, the other runs

15 minutes per station, each station switch with a different partner



Hand Release Merkins

Big Boy Sit-ups

Turkish Get-ups

Motivators from 10,

Mountain Climbers

Bobby Hurley’s

Bonny Blairs

Strawberry Pickers

Imperial Walkers

Freddie mercuries

Shoulder Taps


Air Squats




Side Straddle Hops

Monkey Humpers

Alternating Side Squats (2ct Cadence)

Flutter Kicks (4ct Cadence)

American Hammers

Box Cutters

Moroccan  Nightclubs

Calf Raises


 Salvation Army : Tonight 6:30 Bradenton. Bring Cookies

Clay Shoot Tournament, January 2021, Slack & Sniper have details

GrowRuck Fl : Let Lancelot know if you are interested, as well if you are not. Need to get an idea in numbers by January 2021.

Prayers: Chillipepper’s Daughter, for her broken foot, Pyro and his Family, and Mr. Clean and his Family

Medical Staff, Teachers, farmers, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Leaders, & Military

Pax who are injured or having their own challenges. Pax who are traveling and staying healthy and safe

Our Nation!

The glad greeting of Merry Christmas is a pledge of brotherhood. We are one great family. No wonder that Christmas is above all others the family day. A transfigured atmosphere of peace and love breathes around the home. The gifts and tenders of affection cement more closely the sacred ties of family life. The peace and love of this hallowed time shines like a halo around us; it goes with us as we hasten through the crowded streets; it brightens and cheers those we meet. There are no strangers on Christmas Day…

 Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we’re here for something else besides ourselves. 

 Have a Merry Christmas and be safe Brothers, Honored & Blessed – Lancelot

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