When: 01/12/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Olympus, Posh, Sir Wallace, Thor,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Olympus

The BackBlast:

Weather: not cold

Got there a few minutes early to get my 100 burpees in before the beatdown, and when I pulled up Sir Wallas was already ahead of me…oh well…

Warm Up: Had a different warmup planned but since my calves were a bit tight (that’s what …said…) I decided to do a no-run warmup.

3 burpees, SSH, Seal jacks, imperial walkers, 3 burpees, mountain climbers, merkins, peter parkers, LBC, 3 burpees, windmills, 3 burpees, germans (short swim, long swim, push the rock, open/close arms and legs).3 burpees. That’s a total of 15 burpees (not that I am counting..)

The Thang

  1. 1 min= 12 burpees (1min of cardio of your choice)
  2. 2 min= 12 burpees+30 mountain climbers (2min of cardio of your choice)
  3. 3 min= 12 burpees+30 mountain climbers+50 flutter kicks (3min of cardio of your choice)
  4. 4 min= 12 burpees+30 mountain climbers+50 flutter kicks+30 long swims (4min of cardio of your choice)
  5. 5 min= 12 burpees+30 mountain climbers+50 flutter kicks+30 long swims+20 star jumps (5min of cardio of your choice)

Cardio of choice could be run, SSH, jump squat, jump rope, and of course burpees…

My total burpee count for the day=315

Not too shabby…

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