Replay turns 10!

18 pax showed up to wish Replay a happy 10th Birthday and receive his birthday beatdown!  Thanks for the support guys!  Welcome back to Anchovie who I couldn’t find in…


Today was a double birthday Q, but Defib had to keep the hospital running so YHC got the honor of leading the Pax through a series of ridiculous exercises and…

Beach Body

This was a really solid turnout, despite a ruck workout and the new Winn Dixie AO at the same time. The first part of the workout was a “beach body”…

All 3 are Important

YHC showed up early for a little EC and got in 6 with Yamaha, who couldn’t stay around for the beatdown. Nice humid Florida morning… INTRO: Smaller than usual crowd…

Steal the Cone

Steal the Cone: This was supposed to be a very easy game for the PAX to play and get some fitness in but it started with lots of questions but…

Pyro 1 year Anniversary

Today was the 1 year anniversary of when I joined F3. We started with a short mosy around the parking lot with butt kickers, nur and karaoke. Then we proceeded…

Don’t SLACK on Communication

Weather: It’s Florida… YHC rolled into the parking lot to find several PAX getting in some EC, well done. Bing showing up only for EC, as he had a flight…

1 Box, 4 Corners, 10 Coupons and 35 men

Conditions:  Dark, 78 and very humid….great for all the “respect” pax joints and muscles. Chore principals and disclaimers stated! Mozi: We jogged the bridge and included Nur, high knees,kerioke and more…