AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 08/21/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Aquaman, Big Mac, Dragnet, Drake, Fireball, Lobstah, Pyro, Sea Lion, SnapShot, Spartan, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Enron

The BackBlast:

YHC showed up early for a little EC and got in 6 with Yamaha, who couldn’t stay around for the beatdown. Nice humid Florida morning…

INTRO: Smaller than usual crowd for a Saturday beatdown – many PAX traveling, battling illness or prepping for the Siesta sprint tri the next day. As the 11 hardy souls rolled in and got stretched out, YHC revealed the plan to be a remix of a previous workout in the Heron Preserve. Reviewed the 5 core principles and advised last minute hydration as we would not return until the finish. Big Mac took on the role of Brother’s Keeper and monitored the six.

THE EXTRA: Asked the PAX to think about what their standout memory of F3 workouts is or what their “aha moment” was. During the beatdown, randomly asked various men to share that answer.

THE THANG: Started off with the usual mozy down the sidewalk with high-knee skips, carioca and side shuffle, nur, and butt kickers.

Circled up at the end of the sidewalk and did a few strawberry pickers, SSH, Carolina dry docks, and squats in cadence. Focused on proper call out and PAX cadence during exercise in preparation for the 9/11 workout.

Crabwalked up the bridge and performed calf raises, big boys, and dips for 1 minute each then bear crawled down the other side.

With a rallying cry of “follow me” we then ran to various point around the Heron Preserve performing different exercises at each point designed to focus on specific muscle groups. Friendly banter with folks out walking dogs or getting in their own exercise.

Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Shoulder Taps x20 in cadence – LBC’s, Hello Dollys, American Hammers X50 each – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers X1 minute each – little detour through the woods, across a bridge and by a pond for various exercises and cadence called by 3 different PAX – Overhead Claps, Moroccan Nightclubs, Small Arm Circles X100 each – Squats, Lunges, Gorilla Humpers X10 in cadence.

Finished with the run back to the pavilion for hydration and COT in the echo chamber.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: WildPAX (get your money to Stagecoach), roadside cleanup next Saturday following the beatdown

IT GOT REAL: The theme for what stands out about F3 and for YHC also was the immediate sense of brotherhood felt and how other PAX give support without being asked and asking nothing in return. It was an excellent reminder of what makes F3 powerful.

Several PAX have recently shared marriage struggles and requested prayer

Several PAX currently have or are recovering from COVID

Continuing developments in Afghanistan and the recovery in Haiti

Snapshots close friend’s wife struggle with accepting and getting help with mental challenges. Snapshot BIL recent cancer diagnosis with a bleak prognosis. Prayers needed for both situations and for our brother in dealing with these challenges.

Aquamans long struggle with substance abuse and is now 2 months clean. This is both a praise for this milestone and prayer for the strength and courage to turn 2 months into a lifetime.

Each tenet of F3 is important. Fitness, Fellowship, Faith carry different weights for different men, but are all crucial as we strive to be good husbands, fathers, role models…MEN.

Finished with a commitment from the PAX to reach out to a brother today and BOM.

Humbled – ENRON out

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