Our delicate hands
Wednesdays are busy on the Suncoast now, with the regular University workout and a ruck workout too. So it was great to see several PAX this morning, plus Goob, Crabcakes,…
Wednesdays are busy on the Suncoast now, with the regular University workout and a ruck workout too. So it was great to see several PAX this morning, plus Goob, Crabcakes,…
This was a really solid turnout, despite a ruck workout and the new Winn Dixie AO at the same time. The first part of the workout was a “beach body”…
Weather: Not bad for FL August morning, and if you like sleeping under hot, wet blankets when it’s 80-degrees. Welcome: YHC greeted the pax at exactly 0515, barked-out the 5…
We busted out a deck of cards and Mixtown some running with some big boys, Burpee‘s, markings, and squats. The exercise depended on which card was flipped. The spades were…
Beautiful morning. Moxy, High Knees, buck kickers and nur. That led into the BigSexy. Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pointers, Pickle Pounders, Homer To Marge and Hot Chicks We then split…
10 x 5: Let’s get our heart rate up and down on a 78-degree weather and what felt like 100% humidity. Remember, your nonna (grandmother) may have referred to your…
A while ago, while starting workouts as the Q, I fell into the habit of making a joke when introducing the 5 core principles. The joke was normally some variation on…
YHC showed up a little early at 5:14. The five core principals were stated, sorry I forgot the disclaimer but there were no FNGs so we all aware of who…
Weather: Must’ve just rained cause everything was soggy…but who cares. Core and mission statement were reviewed and disclaimer was shared and the ruckers took off and the bootcampers headed for…
52 Weaks make 1 Strong Year! Nice July Humid Morning for a Florida Beatdown *Due to an unexpected situation, the beatdown was moved to the Dillard’s Parking Lot Welcome to…