The BackBlast:

10 x 5: Let’s get our heart rate up and down on a 78-degree weather and what felt like 100% humidity. Remember, your nonna (grandmother) may have referred to your heart as “your ticker,” but that nickname has proved to be inaccurate. A healthy heart doesn’t beat with the regularity of clockwork. It speeds up and slows down to accommodate your changing need for oxygen as your activities vary throughout the day…


Workout started with a mosey around Publix parking lot and to the back side. In between side 15 straddle hops, 15 squats and 20 merkins. PAX divided by 4 in each group to perform a 25 yrd sprint and jog-back.

The Thang:

Split PAX into two groups. Each group performed the same exercises but at opposite side. The sprint between each 10 exercise was about 25 yrds. Sprints at the end looked more like a fast walk

5 x 10 Merkins – Sprint – wait for the 6 /          Jog back
5 x 10 LBCs – Sprint – wait for the 6 /          Jog back
5 x 10 Squats
Jog around parking / wait for the 6

5 x 10 Side Straddle ups – Sprint – wait for the 6 /          Jog back
5 x 10 Big Boys Sit-ups – Sprint – wait for the 6 /          Jog back
5 x 10 Dry Docks
Jog around parking / wait for the 6

5 x 10 Jump Squats – Sprint – wait for the 6 /          Jog back
5 x 10 Mountain Climbers – Sprint – wait for the 6 /          Jog back
5 x 10 American Hammers (count one side)
Jog around parking / wait for the 6

Circle of Trust

Thanks to Chilli for taking over the COT and prayers for the PAX, Families and Friends

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