Out With A Bing

Weather – Beautiful with a slight nip in the air

2018 is about to come to a close, but not without ONE more beatdown on tap.  YHC jumped at the opportunity to replace Ripken who is still battling the ripsnot virus (get well soon!).

Disclaimer was shared and off we went for an extended mosy including Toy Soldiers, Nur, Carioca x2, butt kickers and high knees:

COP included:

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Low Slow Squat x10 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC
  • Peter Parkersx10 IC

The Thang:

As was suggested by Fartsacking (but still somewhat injured) Mr. Clean, today called for a speed bump run with some fun to be had at the top of the hill.  25 count exercises at each speed bump along the way.  Exercises were Moroccan Night Clubs, LBCs, Squats.   This was repeated at all speed bumps and at the end of the street.

Once the six was in, it was time for some hot laps around the lake.  Prior to each lap, the pax were instructed to do two exercises.

  1. 20 x Git ups
  2. 18 x Merkins
  3. Run Lap

This was rinse and repeated 4 times.  After completing the first set, we modified and reduced each set of Git Ups by 5 each lap for the sake of time.

On our return trip back to the park, we did 20x of the same exercises on the way out.  Moroccan Night Clubs, LBC and Squats.

The pax finished strong and put in nearly 3 miles of running through-out the beatdown.  4 Pax took an fellowship pace 2.5 mile run post beatdown including YHC, Pincher, Big Mac and Rowdy.


  1. Gator Wilderness Run – Fee goes up 1/1
  2. Superhero 5k – Fee goes up 1/1
  3. Triathlon – just sign up already
  4. Rowdy Juvenile Prison volunteers needed – get with Rowdy
  5. Be ready to discuss your OneWord starting tomorrow
  6. Q’s needed – Badly.  Sign up!


  • Family friends of Recall who have suffered the loss of their husband/Dad and a sick mom.  Prayers for healing and strength for the entire family during this very trying time
  • Prayers for Banjo’s M with the loss of her mother
  • Prayers for Rowdy’s knee
  • Prayers for safety on new years eve, especially for our first responders

Truly humbled by the success of this great group and really look forward to 2019 and the success it will bring.