
10/29/18 Adventure Park

73 degrees

21 H.I.M Posted, including 2 guests, for a brutal (that’s only a word!) full body assault led by Rowdy n Mr. Clean.

7am, 2 lap Mozy featuring Nur, Butt Kickers, High Knees and Karaoke.  Circle up for some Windmills (IK), Strawberry Pickers (IK), Arm Circles (each way n size) and SSH (29 IK).  On to the track for a 21 man Weave Run to the circle and back (sloppy).  Now to the Echo Chamber for a Banjo Bear Crawl with Murkins then a reunion with The Great F3 Burpee n Tire Flip Game?!? 2 teams of 10 (though 1 had 11), 1 tire, Burpees, SSH, Sprints, Tire Flips and a general disregard for rules!  Lotsa fun and a helluva workout, trust me!  WHEELBARROW RACES, well a Wheelbarrow Race due to some concern for injury!  2 H.I.M one driving the other the “wheel” down the length of the echo chamber, switch position at the end and bring it on back.  The concern over injury was valid though it stole about 20 mins of plan from ol’ Rowdy.  Off the top of the head…everyone on the line 29 Murkins, sprint to the other end, 29 Air or Jump Squats and sprint back!  MR. CLEAN…I need yer help bro.  Have no fear Mr. Clean is here!  5 circles of pain! 4 exercises in each circle! 45 sec with 5 sec break! Bear Crawl to next circle! A true full body jerk of a routine!  Oh yeah, the last circle was 60 secs on 5 sec off too!  Thanks Mr. Clean for coming through, can’t wait to work together again!

Count O Rama-21

Name O Rama

Announcements- Too many to remember! Will post the video in case I miss any, nothing personal! Bridge A Life 5k (Gridlocks Adoption Foundation), Tri Your Heart (Super Bowl Sunday Triathalon), Wilson successfully over-raised money to help a friend, Rowdies Juvenile Mentoring and Bootcamp…

Prayer Requests- Similar situation but here I go…Traveling Pax get home safe, Injured Pax heal and get back with us, Community in trouble when a stray Bible was fished out of the toilet! we need God to soften some hearts, New Years coming up let’s pray for good decisions and Uber drivers getting rich, Scuba healing from his physical injuries due to a car accident and his spiritual pain from the loss of life of the other driver and for the young mans soul and family, Chillipepper gotta get a job and may his daughter find the answers she’s looking for and may God remove any anxiety or self doubt and may she find her smile and last but never, ever least may God bless all the 1st responders around the world with a special eye on our 1st responders Zeus, Sniper n Hercules may God keep you close to His heart and under His wing and get y’all home safe every shift and thank you for ALL you do and sacrifice!

See y’all next time!