Welcome To Burpee Island

It seemed just a tad bit early and much darker as the HIM gathered in the gloom this morning. After a quick disclaimer, reciting of the core principles, and welcoming of our  FNG and Charlotte Pax member posting downrange, we moseyed over to the pavilion for no other reason than to find some light and stay out of the way of the Orioles that seemed to be flying in much earlier than usual. Once under the pavilion and able to see one another we circled up for warmups.


SSH x 25

Strawberry Pickers x 15

Imperial Walkers x 15

Windmills x 15

Moroccan Nightclubs x 15


The Thang

After our warmups I welcomed the Pax to Burpee Island and we began to explore.

10 Burpees,  mosey to the parking lot and back

8 Burpees, mosey to the parking lot and back

6 Burpees, mosey to the parking lot and back

4 Burpees, mosey to the parking lot and back

2 Burpees, mosey to the parking lot and back.

As we  finished we began step ups on the tables until the six was in. The Pax completed this in great time, once the six was in and following a ten count. The pax rinsed and repeated replacing burpees with dips. and merkins until the six was in.

Once again the pax performed amazing and we spent ten minutes doing over and backs on the tables. Each member climbed up and over the table, completing ten LBC’s on the starting side for a duration of ten minutes, once finished we moseyed back to the parking lot. With a little time to spare DeFIbb called out 20 American Hammers and Clutch called out 50 LBC’s.



Gator Wilderness 5/10/15K April 27th.

Kotter encouraged the countarama before each beatdown, whenever pax changes location and again at the end. Great reminder.

Prayer Requests

Snapshots mother in law                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Diesels M recovering from surgery and Diesel out of town on business. We missed you brother.