Clear the Benches!

Wednesday evening, hot, upper 80 degrees and a bit stuffy. YHC went on a 1 mile run again to warm up and get a feel for what the evening might bring for this beatdown. It is confirmed, miserable for running and high levels of activities so this is going to be a terrific opportunity to …

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Weather: temp was 68F and dew point 65F. Yes, it’s FL and yes, it’s humid. Let’s run! Pre-run: YHC launched at 0410 for a quick 6+miler to get the blood flowing.  Upon circle-back, setup the basketball courts from 1-9-7-3 fun. Welcome: YHC barked-out the 5 Core Principles and disclaimer, then launched the pax into a quick 2-lap mosey …

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The Three Amigos

The 3 Amigos made it out of the fart sack for a ground and pound day. The Warm up High knees, lunges and Russian soldiers to the picnic area. Run to the picnic area 3 rounds of 25 reps  incline merkins,  jump ups and LBCs 3 rounds 25 reps decline merkins, dips and flutter kicks …

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Going the Distance

YHC pulls up to Wawa and sees Ripken’s truck, with no Ripken in sight. Confirming the GroupMe post that he and Bing were planing to start early and circle back for a 6:00 second launch. BigMac was second on scene and mentioned he would be doing his usual out and back followed by a run. …

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The Open Container Workout

Weather: 78 degrees with 500% humidity Shortly after Gridlock and Ripken pulled in from their pre-run, 5.15 rolled around. To everyone’s dismay, Ripken had to leave, so for everyone’s safety, the mozi took us down the road to the dog park, which included some nur, carioca x2, high knees and butt kickers. After getting to …

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