JackRabbit’s Ladder

VQIC-  JackRabbit Pax in virtual attendance-  hopefully a lot of you guys are sacking up this morning 5 Core Principles: Free Outdoors, rain or shine, ridiculously horrid humidity or not Led in rotating fashion by 11 year old yokels who know not what they d0 Open to all men Ends in a COT So, you …

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A Pepper of a 3rd Year Anniversary!

This day 3 years ago I did my first workout with 3 guys that I meat on Next-door.  Hmm..  That was my thought.   It has turned into a brotherhood that has made me grow in the 3Fs.  Thanks Bing for that first strange and uncomfortable EH.  Thanks Recall for the first beatdown, your first AO …

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What’s the 411?

Date: 04/11/20 AO: Virtual Virtual QIC: Recall Weather Forecast: (7AM) 65-degrees, 74% humidity, 3% chance of rain Our Core Principles F3 is free of charge F3 is open to all men F3 is held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold F3 is led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, …

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Get Swole!

April 8, 2020  0615 hrs VQ= Sir Wallace PAX= Ripken, Wolverine, Trump, ChiliPepper, and Shamwow Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/360795631?pwd=cGZiU0ROYTFxUEx1S3RMWEdJdFZFZz09 Meeting ID: 360 795 631 Password: 202020 F3 Core principles presumed. warmup: no mosey: in place at your own pace, 16 high knees, 16 buttkickers, 16 SSH, 16 jump squats, 16 mountain climbers, 16 shoulder taps, …

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4-7-1981…. deal with it

Good morning!!  Welcome to a glorious gloom where we celebrate yours truly and the day he was gifted to the earth 39 years ago. 5 core priniciples- Free Open to all men Held outdoors, rain or shine, humid or more humid Peer led by yokels like me End with a circle of trust   Rucks …

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Monday Morning Lights?

Live Q at 06:15 Monday. Live https://us04web.zoom.us/j/543657015?pwd=dGNjcjlLN290QnFQM0lGUUl5N1Nldz09  Meeting ID: 543 657 015.  Password will be posted in Mumble Chatter, GroupMe or DM or TXT me. 5 Core Principles Free Open to all Men Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold Peer led End with Circle of Trust Rucks are optional but recommended.     …

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Two for the price of one Option I – join F3 Lexington SC, Q is CSPAN from F3 Philly. 6am on Thursday 4/2/2020 (941) 321-6393 – https://t.co/ejEW1IGRNI?ssr=true Option II 5 Core Principles Free Open to all Men Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold Peer led End with Circle of Trust Mozy Mozy around …

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