JackRabbit’s Ladder

VQIC-  JackRabbit

Pax in virtual attendance-  hopefully a lot of you guys are sacking up this morning

5 Core Principles:

  1. Free
  2. Outdoors, rain or shine, ridiculously horrid humidity or not
  3. Led in rotating fashion by 11 year old yokels who know not what they d0
  4. Open to all men
  5. Ends in a COT

So, you guys were lackadaisical in signing up for Q’s so as punishment, JR is jumping in and grabbing the Q by the proverbial and pushing play.  Take a deep breath, man up, and buckle up boys because he created this almost entirely on his own.


  • 1 mile run at 65% effort (with last 1/4 of mile being a mozy to include buttkickers, carioca, and NUR)
  • 10 Strawberry Pickers IC
  • 20 SSH IC
  • 30 Salsa Dips
  • 40 Calf Raises
  • 50 Moroccan night clubs (25 on each leg)

The Thang– JackRabbit’s Ladder (LADDER UP TO 20)

**Have your throw up bucket nearby**

*Perform 1 of each, run, 2 of each, run, 3 of each, run, etc. until you reach 20 of each and the final run

  • Box Cutters
  • Big Boy Situps
  • Burpees
  • Decline Merkins
  • 50 meter run (as your break, you’re welcome)

EXTRA CREDIT- Now you must dig deep

  • 5 minute plank
  • 2 minute wall sit
  • 20 Navy Seals


  • Sara and Lori and the solid reports received recently
  • Those fighting Covid-19 either physically and/or those on the frontline helping (DEFIB)
  • All first responders
  • Our local, state, and national leadership during all times but especially as they make decisions about safety, recovery, etc
  • All our brothers and their families as we continue to isolate, work, job search, and go through life
  • Anything I’ve missed from our recent prayer chain


Thanks for letting JR lead today.  If you can still stand up and breath, don’t forget to leave him an age appropriate message to tell him of your disdain on GroupMe.


JR out