4-7-1981…. deal with it

Good morning!!  Welcome to a glorious gloom where we celebrate yours truly and the day he was gifted to the earth 39 years ago.

5 core priniciples-

  1. Free
  2. Open to all men
  3. Held outdoors, rain or shine, humid or more humid
  4. Peer led by yokels like me
  5. End with a circle of trust


Rucks are optional but for the record, you may be insane if you use it.


Mozy-  1/4 mile run with buttkickers, high knees, NUR, and side shuffles each way


  • 39 SSH
  • 39 Strawberry Pickers
  • 39 Arm Circles (don’t forget to switch directions halfway)
  • 39 Michael Phelps
  • 39 Merkins (stolen from Bing’s bday bash)

The Thang, Part 1-  19:81 AMRAP

*4 exercises, 7 reps, repeated for 19 minutes and 81 seconds (20:21 for all you technical folks)

  • Decline or Diamond Merkins
  • Big Boy Situps
  • Salsa Dips
  • Burpees
  • 100 meter run
  • (****AGAIN- repeat all 4 exercises for 7 reps plus the run as many times as possible**)

-take a deep breath-

The Thang, Part 2:
100’s- 3 exercises, broken into sets of 10 each with a 100 yard dash as a break
10 Carolina Dry Docks
10 Calf Raises
10 Parker Peters
100 yard sprint

**EC** for those so inclined-  39 Navy Seals

Prayers and Praises-

  • Doctors, nurses, first responders fighting Covid 19 on the front line
  • National, State, and Community leaders (President, Governors, Mayors, Pastors) making decisions daily surrounding Covid 19
  • QuickDraw’s health
  • ISpy’s job and Son in NICU
  • Sarah and Lori
  • my buddy Ben
  • all our brothers and their families facing job loss, furlough, or otherwise

Thanks for celebrating 39 years with you.
