The Sniper Stack

Conditions: 75 and great Mozy: jogged around behind the Publix and included SSHs , Nur, Micheal Phelps The Warmup: SSH, Imperial Walkwers,Strawberry Pickers, Arm Circles, Merkins, Mountain Climber and Bad Back Stretches! The…

Another whirlwind adventure…..

Incredible week-over-week growth of attendance at Dixieland Wednesday! 100% INCREASE in the number from pax from last week, WOW!!!  Gotta love statistics… YHC was not all alone thanks to Brutus,…

Not so many merkins….

7 Pax took to the Gloom with “Rediscover the Eighties: Rock” in their ears and Dixieland’s supple pavement under their hands, feet, six, and stomach.  WX: 76 degrees, but still…

(No Title)

Q was available the day prior, so YHC will make good on commitment to pick up more Q’s. 5:15 = (5) core principles Warm up Mosey to the roughest patch…

Finally! The Grim Reaper has come to the Suncoast     Up North, there are stories of a fabled workout.  Initially started by Cobra, the Grim Reaper takes many forms.  All variations have one thing in common….the workout…

Tribute for 21

78° and 87% humid 5 Core principles and disclaimer were given. At 5:15 Crabgrass and YHC took off on a short mosey down the street between the buildings.  We were…

A Trio of Merry Men

Q covered the 5 core principles and gave the disclaimer; there were no FNGs. W/U:Mosey – high knees – butt kickers – karaoke (switch) – toy soldiers – SSHx10 IC…

The Force of a Merkin

On the 4th day of the 5th month, 6 pax assembled (eventually) to do their merkin quota for Master Yoda. Ok, dad-joke level rhyming aside, this was a tabata stye…