Sparkler Special

Welcome and Core Principles Disclaimer: Not a professional but tips won’t be turned down Mosey (Ner, Buttkickers, Karaoke, High Knees) Warmup SSHx 20 American Hammers x 20 strawberry pickers x…

School is in Session

77F  Pax gathered including down rangers; Breast Stroke, Prep H, and Mulch with Ruckers joining the beatdown. Warmorama: Single file 400 meter run (300m for Ruckers) with dynamic stretching for…

Sharing the Load

Weather: Not Sweater weather, that’s for sure. With no one as an HC for the Ruck Q today, it was time to join forces and share some of the burden…

Knights in white satin

Welcome DR guest Mulch for F3 Alamo. 5:15a Warmorama began after 5 core principles and disclaimer announced. 400 meter mosey with dynamic stretching including balls to the wall drill, then…

Feels Like The First Time

77 HUMID degrees greeted the Pax at University Corner. 4 ruckers assembled and were off to do rucking things.   Everyone get into Al Gore, for: Mission Statement 5 Core…

Merkins and a Mile+

Puddin’ was a DR guest from NC. We should probably get him into the scrolls of Suncoast… he posts more than some locals. Many merkins with minimal mumblechatter (once Sonic…

UC, Tabata can be fun!

Merkins were plentiful and the mumblechatter minimal for this tabata-style beatdown Started with a mosey (butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke, nur, and toy soldiers) followed by SSH, strawberry pickers, windmills, and…

Do or Do Not, there is no Try

May the 4th Be With You!  Starwars inspired beatdown… Mozy.  With stops doing… Jedi Shuffle Imperial Soldiers (toy Soldiers) Imperial Walkers Side Straddle JarJars. Yoda Humpers Light Saber Pointers  …

I Plank, You Plank

It’s Holy Week and the theme is “Suffering”. 5 core principles announced then the bootcamp crew were on for a run to wherein Williams where a series of balls to…


Pre-blast: 2:03PM day prior.  7-11 sign image didn’t raise any questions.  A note on mumblchatter: “Don’t HC and not post.  Don’t post and not HC.  JUST HC AND POST!!!” PREP:…