AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 07/20/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Callahan, Chilipepper, Condenser, Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Sir Wallace, Spamalot, Sparkler, Spartan, Speed bump, Usher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sparkler

The BackBlast:

Welcome and Core Principles

Disclaimer: Not a professional but tips won’t be turned down

Mosey (Ner, Buttkickers, Karaoke, High Knees)


SSHx 20

American Hammers x 20

strawberry pickers x 10

Stretch legs OYO

Hip Flexor OYO


the Thang

(Partner up. Complete reps while partner travels then switch. Sequence of Reps is 25/25, 20/20, 15/15, 10/10 and 5/5).

Round 1: Coupon Squats MOT: Sprint to far light pole and back

Round 2: Curls MOT: Bear Crawl to near light pole and back

Round 3: Overhead Press MOT: Lunge to near line and back

Round 4: Merkins MOT: Rifle Carry to far line and back

The PAX left a lot of sweat on the pavement today and worked their tails off. Ran out of time between Rounds 2 & 3. No man was left behind.


Sparkler told the men that the point of the exercise was to push yourself to deeper points of pain and growth in the same muscle groups.

We need our partner and willingness to push ourself so that we grow.

Sparkler drew a conclusion to our spiritual lives. Too often men want to stay shallow in their emotional relationships and openness. “I’m good” is a lie that only we ourselves could believe. Only when we open ourselves to the deep reaching love of God and accountability from others can we “Get Right.”

Jesus and the woman at the well (John 4) show us that Jesus cares to change us even at the most intimate and challenging areas. He is the Source of Life and Living Hope and meets us there. Allow yourself to be honest with him.

Sparkler offered to be available to anyone who needs prayer or wants to talk life.

Iron Pax- September month long challenge
                  Team challenge, can do week long or on Saturdays. Look for signup
Tonigh @ Grace Community Church- John Walton a Genesis scholar @ 6:00 pm
Sarasota Laps for Life- Knights of Columbus/Solve Maternity Homes Oct 8
Praises and Prayer
Chili’s M tested negative
Speedbump- committed to pushing a car 70 miles in 24 hours
Bing- doing better
Mrs Doubtfire- tests came back good. Stability
Mighty Mouse as his boy tried to take his life
VMA- F3Suncoast making a positive impact
Sparkler- son struggling with anxiety going into classrooms. Got school next week.

Sparkler and ChiliPepper ended in Prayer.



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