AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 06/22/2022


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bing, Brutus, Callahan, Chilipepper, Chipper, Condenser, Kotter, Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Sea Lion, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: Not Sweater weather, that’s for sure.

With no one as an HC for the Ruck Q today, it was time to join forces and share some of the burden amongst the entire pax.  5:15a hit, core principles and mission statement were shared and off we went to mosi with stops at each corner of the lot.  It was at the second corner where the appropriate disclaimer was shared – thankfully no one got hurt in between.

Exercises at each stop included:

  • Bent Over Rows x 10 IC
  • Lunges x10 IC
  • Low Slow Squat x10 IC
  • Hello Dolly x10 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x10 IC
  • Carolina Dry Docks x10 IC
  • Monkey Humpers x10 IC

The Thang:

It was time to introduce the plan.  Everyone partnered up, making sure each pairing included at least one ruck.

First up was Catch me if you can.  Partner 1 would walk briskly carrying the ruck (or both rucks) while partner 2 performed three exercises to 10 count (LBCs, Squats and Carolina Dry Docks) and then run to catch Partner 1.  Once caught, both Pax would do another 20 squats together.  10 with Partner 1 wearing both rucks and 10 with Partner 2 wearing both rucks.  Flip Flop and Partner 2 now briskly walks away while Partner 1 performs the exercises.  A total of 3 laps were done.

Thang 2 included a shortened Dora.  While Partner 1 does the exercises with the ruck, partner 2 ran to the shovel flags and back, flip flopping and keeping count until the exercises are completed:

  1. 50 Bent Over Rows
  2. 100 LBCs
  3. 150 Overhead Presses

With 5 minutes remaining, the time was turned over to our more veteran ruckers who led exercises until time expired including kettle bell swings and a type of 30/60/90 with Ruck and legs affectionately known as Hog Bait in the Suncoast (long story but a Hard Knocks University Original).

After a final mosey to the flags and a few more low slow squats, the clock struck 6a and the pax were cooked.


The pax were reminded of the great relief they felt turning over both rucks and performing the second set of 10 squats, and how great if felt when their partner would shoulder the load.  The men were encouraged to find someone to reach out to and see how they are able to shoulder the load/carry the burden of another man.  Show the how they care about that person and ask how they can help show them that same amount of relief we all felt when turning over both rucks.  Especially the men who might have slipped through the cracks and not been present as of late.  Also, if you see a man who hasn’t stepped up to Q in a while, how can you help shoulder the load/carry the burden with that man to push them into a leadership role.  What is holding them back? How can you take that off of them to give them the feeling of relief we all felt? Aye?


  • BWW Dinner at 6p tonight
  • Lunch at Ford’s Garage on Thursday
  • Visible Men Academy – volunteers needed for leadership roles
  • Dunkinteria to follow Bootcamp talking Qsource Groups


  • Enron’s M and her surgery recovery
  • Pending surgery for Mrs. Doubtfire
  • Yukon and his family with the passing of his M
  • ShamWow’s continued health recovery
  • All other mentioned/unmentioned prayers

It is always an honor to lead such a great group of men and push many out of their comfort zone.  Thank you for allowing me to take lead and for following me today.

~Bing Out

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